Product variants

Product variants are also often the reason why companies invest in a PIM system. In practice, almost every company has to deal with variants of products. That can be a color or size, but also both. In fashion these are the so-called size/color bows. But there are also examples in durable goods such as cars, washing machines, etc. that apparently remain the same, but nevertheless change content due to, for example, different parts. This must be a separate item to be measured and tracked, but that is difficult with standard ERP solutions. The product variants are also the solution for this.

Listings in Product variants

Also product variants are often the reason why companies invest in a PIM system. In practice, almost every company has to deal with variants of products. That can be a color or size, but also both. In fashion these are the so-called size/color bows. But there are also examples in durable goods such as cars, washing machines, etc. that apparently remain the same, but nevertheless change content due to, for example, different parts. This must be a separate item to be measured and tracked, but that is difficult with standard ERP solutions. The product variants are also the solution for this.