Mass edit functionality

The mass edit functionality is a typical core function of a PIM system. Despite that, not all PIM systems are equipped with this function. The position is loved by product marketers as well as by Ecommerce and sales people. With the mass edit function, a large group of products can be edited quite simply at once. This is possible, for example, if a name or brand changes, but the generic addition of new information can also be performed using this function. When prices are maintained in PIM, this function also allows them to be massively changed in one go. A widely used and appreciated feature!


Listings in Mass edit functionality

The mass edit functionality is a typical core function of a PIM system. Despite that, not all PIM systems are equipped with this function. The position is loved by product marketers as well as by Ecommerce and sales people. With the mass edit function, a large group of products can be edited quite simply at once. This is possible, for example, if a name or brand changes, but the generic addition of new information can also be performed using this function. When prices are maintained in PIM, this function also allows them to be massively changed in one go. A widely used and appreciated feature!